Jim Kenty

contributor to 2 posters

  • Syracuse Snowflakes


    Syracuse Snowflakes

    I enjoy writing and I occasionally submit my work to contests, such as “Bulwer-Lytton” and “Imitation Hemingway.”

    I was intrigued by the haiku format, so I decided to give it a try. As for the subject of the poem, I thought that a winter weather theme might be appropriate.

    I didn't have to give it that much thought something to do with the weather I suppose.

  •  Armory Square Is


    Armory Square Is

    Having grown up in the early days of “Mad” magazine, I enjoy satire, puns and word play in general.

    I also have some nostalgic memories of Armory Square, when it was a rather gritty section of town. There was a the circus at the Armory; the billiard table company on Walton Street, with its large painted sign on the side of the brick building, as seen while riding a city bus; a long-ago job interview at one of the several meat wholesalers, also on Walton.

    My poem is a tip of the cap to the square.