Workplace Art


Large Format Posters and Poster Panels

Large-format poster panel of NiMo Building in the office of CXtec

Whether you manage a corporate office or work from a home office, our civic poster art can make your environment more attractive and inspiring. Given the time you spend at work, you deserve a space that feels alive and welcoming. This serves your well being. It also conveys to staff and visitors your engagement in civic and creative culture.

Among Central New York businesses that have enhanced their offices with our work you'll find the Bousquet Holstein law firm, CXtec, the Volunteer Lawyers Project of CNY, and the Syracuse Community Health Center. View our photo gallery of their workplace art.

Or view this video where our friends at Bousquet Holstein discuss art for their law office.

Possible installations range from standard poster prints in frames, to medium- and large-format prints in frames, to large-format posters on solid panels.

Depicted here is a large-format poster panel installed at CXtec in Syracuse. For pricing on other special formats for your work space, please get in touch with us.

Find Poster Project items in the following local stores


(Poster Prints)
217 S. Salina St.
(McCarthy Building)

Syracuse, NY 13202

(315) 552-1627

Salt City Artisans

(Note Cards)
226 Hawley Ave.
Syracuse, NY 13203

(315) 479-0400

SU Bookstore

(Note Cards)
Schine Student Center
303 University Place

Syracuse, NY 13244

(315) 443-9900

Sound Garden

310 W. Jefferson St.
Syracuse, NY 13202

(315) 473-4343

Art Mart

(November and December)
500 S. Franklin St.
(Same building as the Museum of Science and Technology)

Syracuse, NY 13202

(315) 308-1772

Mixed Methods

(Note Cards)
215 E. Water St. (Rear)
Syracuse, NY 13202

(315) 399-1766

Metro Home Style

(Note Cards)
689 N. Clinton St.
Syracuse, NY 13204

(315) 420-2335

ArtRage Gallery

505 Hawley Ave.
Syracuse, NY 13203

(315) 218-5711

Onondaga Historical Association Gift Shop

(Note Cards, Poster Prints)
321 Montgomery St.
Syracuse, NY 13202

(315) 428-1864