Poster Image

The Footsteps in Snow


Item#: 2015SYR11

Purchase Details

11x17-inches, printed on heavy weight (100-pound) Hammermill cover paper. We package each print with a piece of chipboard in a clear plastic sleeve.

You also receive…

An information page with photos of the artist and poet, and hand-written comments from each.

Medium- and large-format posters are available by custom order. Contact us for details.

The Footsteps in Snow

poster information


The footsteps in snow
Follow me like a loose chain
A language of one

This haiku was inspired by a photo. It was of a snow-covered canoe leaning against a tree by the river. A single set of footsteps led to it, then FADED into the woods beyond. I was haunted by it.

Needing to express more from the visual experience, the simple clarity of the haiku seemed to accomplish that for me.

I was pleased with the results and am eager to see how these words inspired the artist.

I'm from a small town in the center of China. When I was young, it snows a lot, but now with global warming, my town, not snowing that much. As a young girl, I really like snow. We climbing on mounds of snow, and I'm very excited. Here, it's a lot more snow, and I just want to go hiding in my room—being homesick, but not because of the snow.

I live on a second floor, and when it's a snow day, I look outside, and it's very beautiful, very white. So for the poster, I want to draw the feeling of looking down on a person in the landscape, just a small person in the landscape, kind of lonely. Maybe he needs some time to be alone, to think about things. The trees are little, like the little boy, they can grow up. And the light is coming in sideways, so it's not depressing. There's hope here.